Tuesday, May 20, 2003

Hearing the blond Flemish pop star on BBC who chose to represent the right-wing VlaamsBlok in Belgium... we have heard her lines before in Austria, France, Holland and Denmark: "Immigrants coming to our country must adapt to our culture, learn our language and integrate to our society or they will be deported".

In this matter, Canada has a lot to teach to European countries.

This approach is wrong and vowed to fail, because it puts the burden of 'integration' entirely on the shoulder of the immigrant. It attempts to remove the need for residents to participate in this integration, promoting them to the role of not-to-be-disturbed spectators and all-powerful integration judges. But integration goes both ways! One cannot expect an Indian to become Flemish. He will never speak, act or think like a 'traditional' Flemish. Even if he eventually does - after 2 or 3 generations maybe - his skin will never become Flemishly white..

The only way for integration to succeed is to understand, accept and embrace each other's cultures. The Flemish (or Danish or French..) culture need not be static. The only way to go forward and integrate successfully is to recognize the benefits and shortcomings of both cultures and, together, build a new culture that will respect and integrate all its citizens. The harsh rules right-wing parties propose will only bring more hatred, misunderstanding and racism. For integration to be successful, we must make immigrants feel respected, welcomed and appreciated. The role of a government is to foster mutual interest and understanding between old and new residents.

An Indian arriving in Canada will not be asked to become Canadian. He will be asked, "How can you contribute to the Canadian culture". Being Canadian is primarily being you and participating in the flowering of the Canadian culture. I believe this model is the only way out for a Europe still entrenched in its past.


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