Thursday, May 01, 2003

The first May Day, in 1886, was a call for eight-hour workdays by the workers in many American cities. During a labor rally in Chicago, a policeman was killed. The leaders of the local labor movement, eight anarchists, were put on trial and all were found guilty; four were hanged, one committed suicide in jail, and the remaining three were freed and officially granted pardon in 1893 as innocent and victims of hysteria, packed juries and a biased judge.

State, business leaders, and the media would want to hide the true history of May Day. The International Workers' Holiday is still described as a "commie" event in the US, and Labor Day was moved to September on a day devoid of any historical significance. Though not an official holiday in my american company, activities and concerts are taking place in the city - particularly grand in Rome!

"This is the first and only International Labor Day. It belongs to the working class and is dedicated to the revolution." (Wahington U.,