Monday, March 31, 2003

Frustrated with the United Nations' "consistent, blatant regard for the will of its 188 member nations," the U.S. announced Monday the formation of its own international governing body, the U.S.U.N. Read it all on the ONION !

Friday, March 28, 2003

Pure corporate propaganda? Officially in reaction to the fictitious security alerts issued by the U.S. Government, my company 'Security Command Center' (sigh) is sending 'Travel Advisory' (sigh) emails explicitly requesting all employees to avoid demonstrations. American friends have confirmed receiving such emails at school or work, leading to beleive the neo-conservatists are behind all this..

March 26th: "Travel security tends to focus on air transportation, but now there are other personal safety issues for travelers, most notably avoiding anti-American/Coalition demonstrations in many parts of the world. Inadvertent exposure to these events could result in animosity or violence, and travelers could become targets of individual or crowd reaction."

February 10th: "There is significant concern that the initiation of military operations against Iraq will generate notable animosity in many parts of the world. This animosity will likely take the form of protests, demonstrations and possible terrorist activity. Even demonstrations intended to be peaceful can turn into confrontational situations and possibly escalate into violence.. Avoid locations where demonstrations or large gatherings may occur." (see full mail here)

Thursday, March 27, 2003

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."-- Franklin D. Roosevelt. A must read:"Bush has stampeded America into conflict" by the Chicago Tribune. (click here for local copy) "Bush is using fear as a weapon, not to build courage among Americans but to stampede them into endorsing a case for a war that has been built literally on a grab bag of possibilities, contingencies, ifs and maybes, of things that haven't happened but could happen, of bad guys who might hit us if we don't hit them first. Bush and his neoconservative advisers have manufactured an unneeded war, for reasons of their own, and are leading an America that, with its power and lack of restraint, is more dangerous to world order than Hussein ever could be. The thought that a Third World international pariah could multiply its strength and turn itself into a power sufficient to blackmail the most powerful nation in the history of the world is nothing but panic-mongering. National hysterias come and go, leaving a great deal of damage and creating a sense of communal shame when the panic wears off .."
Oh, civilian casualties update here. You can decide if they are 'heroes' or 'collateral damage'. ~300 as of today..
"Bombing for peace is like fucking for virginity"

.. which the Danish fail to understand with 54% supporting the war and rising ..

Monday, March 24, 2003

"September 11 an 'America-changing' event but not a 'world-changing' event. The rest of the world sees American arrogance as at least responsible for the atrocities." (Financial Times today) -> Will this ever resonate in the US? The WTC bombing was indeed an America-changing event, but not as the world anticipated: the US rejected all blame and self-criticism, and saw the event as "a justification - whether merited or not is arguable - for a much more assertive American foreign policy doctrine, one that included the explicit idea of military action to pre-empt attack." So, since 9/11 didn't make the US learn from their mistakes, what will humble them? Another Vietnam? Sad ..
"Fears make the world go round" (Louise Bourgois, in Louisiana until June). She also said (and proves!) that "Art is the guarantee of sanity" .. "Cell (Glass Spheres and Hands)" (below), is enacting in space the drama of human-beings prisoners of their own fragile 'bubble' (on the chairs), not communicating together despite the hope of the 'hands' (on the table). (Kofi Annan as the hands, Bush, Blair, Chirac, Saddam, Sharon .. as the bubbles?)

From fears to fear culture, Michael Moore won the Oscar for Best Documentary with Bowling for Columbine: "Shame on you and your fictitious reasons and fictitious orange alerts, Mr. Bush".

Friday, March 21, 2003

In today's Financial Times: World overwhelmingly opposed to war even in countries supporting the US: Italy and Spain 81%, Russia 87%, Turkey 86%, UK 61% are opposed. "Military power alone will never be enough to guarantee America's security. Without the friendship, respect and support of its allies, it will ever be vulnerable.. We are back to the world in which right is measured only by might. Frightening." Finally, "Paris has been made the scapegoat for US and British diplomatic failure. This risks leaving the west with deep and lasting divisions. France must resist the dangerous drift to react to american 'francophobia', and not resort to tit-for-tat anti-Americanism and anglophobia."
"It is always a simple matter to drag (the common) people along (in a war) whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism"
(Nazi H.Goering after WWII)

Thursday, March 20, 2003

A day of shame for the start of an illegal and illegitimate war: Kofi Annan and Hans Blix were sad and somber.. "Violating the norms of international behaviour" (China) - "Military action can in no way be justified." (Russia) - "I hope that all parties will scrupulously observe the requirements of international humanitarian law" (UN Kofi Annan) - "This is not an attack on Islam but an attack on humanity" (Asian Islamic leaders) - "This despicable war exposes the ugliness of America" (Malaysia) - "United Nations is the only legitimate framework to build peace in Iraq as elsewhere" (France). Meanwhile the US dares to call this "Operation Iraqi Freedom" (sigh). Now to start thinking about the best outcome for this for the world community: Mille Merci, président Bush (Paulo Coelho) (en Français)

Wednesday, March 19, 2003

Pictures of Baghdad we rarely see .. here
"How bad do you have to suck to lose a popularity contest with Saddam Hussein? The whole world is against you, Mr. Bush"(Michael Moore) <- check his site for more..

Bush Idiot

Tuesday, March 18, 2003

So the question is, why does the "Bush Cartel" wants war so badly despite all consequences? Who benefits? Who loses?. The Persian golf has always been of vital interest to the US to maintain its economy and lifestyle, and the US considers multilateralism and all international agreements as a threat to its transformation into a new type of military state, similarly to old colonial powers, all in the name of grand ideals: democracy, civilisation, freedom. (Ignacio Ramonet - en français)
Shame, shame, shame..

Bush bullied and burried all international agreements, institutions and laws until the end. My view on this is straightforward: as human beings living on one planet with limited resources to share, as we are split into nations, the supreme power is the United Nations - the best we have as a democratic forum for all. As much as Bush would like to topple Saddam, "no single country should be allowed to police the world", however powerful they might be. As this is an illegitimate invasion of a sovereign country - similar to Iraq invading Kuwait for the same reasons really - the UN should .. stop and disarm the US. Some might argue the US can be trusted while others can't. I argue nobody can be trusted with power, the use of this power must always be monitored and controlled by a wider democratic body.. in this case, the UN. Some might argue the US liberated Europe and no other superpower introduced freedom: true, but things change, nothing can be taken for granted, and freedom is loosing a lot of ground in the US itself as the country is slowly building itself into a fortress, falling into disinformation, and transgressing more and more personal freedoms in the name of national security. As the US and Bush become the outlawed world policeman, democracy, freedom, justice, multicultural understanding and respect, and global long term security are now all at stake. Luckily, this 6 months of UN tractations will at least force the US to show restraint in their illegitimate invasion of Iraq, and prove to the world their claimed good intentions, notably by being very careful with 'collateral damage' (a nice term for what they call 'heroes' in the US i.e. civilian casualties).
Shame, shame, shame..

Monday, March 17, 2003

Remove the world's number 1 warmonger.. George Bush

Sick of the war? Boycott CNN .. and call sick on the first day of the war. Follow citizen actions in San Francisco (Indy Media) and New York (Village Voice)
CNN seemed so biased.. because it is. CNN reporters have been reminded to comply to the "script approval policy", where officials in Atlanta must approve and authorise all package scripts before they are aired. Robert Fisk, The Independent (Fisk won the Association of Journalists of Rome Silver Microphone award)

Wednesday, March 12, 2003

Who said "No one should have dominion over the world" ?

He lived a life as opposed as possible to technology. He refused to let the material world draw the boundaries of life. He came to think of the internal combustion engine as the greatest evil ever put upon this earth. Why? Because technology is powerful, seductive and addictive.. and everyone can be tempted into evil uses of power.

Suprise: it is Tolkien, author of Lord of the Rings. His trilogy is the most read novel after.. the bible. He describes his work as "fundamentally religious and Catholic". But "No one should have dominion over the world" still 'rings' quite true today..

Tuesday, March 11, 2003

Insight from Harvard: why there is no american hegemony and why Europe is a key player in this 3D chess game. "US military expenditure is equal to the next two dozen countries combined.. but there are more European than US troops helping to keep the peace today in the Balkans and in Afghanistan.. Europe's culture, values and the success of the EU have produced a good deal of soft power, the ability to attract rather than merely coerce others." ("Europe is too powerful to be ignored" by Joseph Nye in Financial Times)


Saturday, March 08, 2003

Friends fighting the beast from the inside..

(The Mission, San Francisco)
War is certainly not the path to democracy. The roots of international conflicts are numerous and complex, "elles plongent dans le tumulte des siècles", they cannot be solved by war. War will only bring further hatred, further cultural and identity clash. "Regardons les choses avec lucidité : nous sommes en train de définir une méthode de règlement des crises. Nous sommes en train de choisir l'organisation du monde dans laquelle nous voulons que vivent nos enfants." -> another lucid and committed speach by French Foreign Minister de Villepin.

Friday, March 07, 2003

Slowly bringing Big Brother to life: "Delta Airlines assigns a rating of green, yellow, or red to every airline passenger based on that person's credit, banking, and criminal history" (Wired, BoycottDelta)
"Civilization is threatened not only by terrorists but also by the means we use to fight them.." Though illegal in the US, the Bush commando claims their right to use 'stress and duress techniques' overseas to extract information from 'terrorists'. In violation of international laws and agreements, the CIA opened a torture facility in Bagram, Afghanistan. (Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, Guardian, Human Rights News)

Thursday, March 06, 2003

In Denmark, nationalism is well alive - a stark contrast with its southern neighbour where waving the german flag brings unease (remember 'na' in nazi stands for nationalism).. Here, it is customary to decorate everything with Danish flags on special days. For my birthday, they were sensible enough to put... United Nations flags! Nice touch.