Sunday, August 07, 2005

"Reagan's determination to boost American pride and self-confidence to his own cheery level was accompanied by an equal determination to reduce taxes. Since his way to pride was papered with unprecedently costly expenditure on weapons of war his term of office was marked by massive borrowing and the neglect of social services. His promise on entering the White House to balance the budget was even rasher than such promises usually are. He seemed to believe that the gap between spending and revenue would evaporate because lower taxes, in association with monetarist controls, would produce higher profits and so higher tax yields to bridge the gap. But low taxes and tight money did not lay these golden eggs, deficits grew both absolutely and as a percentage of GNP. When Reagan left office in 1989 the United States had swung in less than a decade from being the world's biggest creditor to being its biggest debtor; half the population was worse off in real terms than it had been in 1980; personal savings had fallen below 15%; higher education in technology and science was in decline; the economic infrastructure was in decay and so were the inner cities where housing and infant mortality approximated to the black spots of the Thrid World and crime and drugs were alarmingly prevalent; corruption in the public sector was widespread.."

From this history book account, replace Reagan by Bush and you have the consistently ineffective track record of right-wing governments.

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