Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Équilibre entre liberté et équité, équilibre entre libéralisme économique et société solidaire, union de citoyens et d'états, démocratie transnationale oscillant entre association d'états et état fédéral, économie sociale de marché, social-démocratie, progrès internationaliste, défrontiérisation, égalitarisme, bureaucratie titanesque, égoïsmes nationaux, populisme brutal, capitalisme sauvage, ultra-libéralisme..

How to define the EU and isolate its problems? Consolidating current treaties into a single foundation, clarifying the Union goals and values around humanism, reviewing EU institutions, streamlining decision-making and creating a foreign affairs ministry, is necessary for the new Europe of 25. To gain the legitimacy from "us, the people of Europe", establishing a constitution by consensus through referendum is both admirable and necessary. But it failed.

Europe is loosing its focus. The European dream is derailed, if not dead. The clear winner is the right-wing spectrum: extremists who are expectedly nationalists clinging to the dangerous concept of territorial nation-state, and the liberals, led by the U.K., who prefer an economic union without political union. The French socialists were courageous to voice their concerns: too centralized, too diluted, too market oriented, too long… But will we ever have a chance to get any better?

France, you fucked up.

It was surreal to watch the referendum results and the following debate this weekend in Brussels, while Grand-Mother was retelling her war stories - her fleeing to Bordeaux during the German occupation and Grand-Father being deported to work in East-German factories.. That was 50 years ago, are the dangers of nationalism already forgotten?

Solutions: 1. Visionary and courageous politicians that encourage and sell Europe, rather than use it as a cash cow or a scapegoat. 2. A new treaty to enable the most urgent and essential reforms needed for the Europe of 25 - much needed to give international weight to the EU and to insure a more secure and diverse multi-polar world, countering the dangerous American hegemony 3. A new, simplified and correctly scoped constitution for the people of Europe preceded by proper public debates and enacted by referendums.

1 comment:

  1. There is never only one chance to get something right - that is simply fear mongering. The EU leaders can surely produce a more inspiring constitutional document if it wants to get people excited and get their support - regardless of how good the actual contents may have been of this one. How many can be bothered trying to really figure it out? Can you blame them? It is no surprise this uninspiring document is failing, but the future is not as dark as the doomsayers like to try and make it seem - debate in Europe is alive and healthy, something that cannot be said in other parts of the world, and the recent EU expansion is a continuing success story, even if the mumble-jumble being sold as a constitution is not.
