Tuesday, April 08, 2003

Liberating Iraq.. for people passively absorbing mainstream news, one could almost feel content with the current situation: an easy win by the world's strongest army against .. well not much really, just the "weakest kid that nobody likes anyway". If defending oneself in Iraq is suicide and in the US unpatriotic, this doesn't make the whole issue any more justifiable. End result? All official reasons to go to war proved shaky: weapons of mass destruction? Where? Danger to the world? Far from it. Democracy? Far far far from it, both inside and outside America, both inside Iraq and on a world scale. So what is left? A religious war for petrol? A need to boost army morale to justify further army industry spending and further profits for the Bush cartel? A family sweet revenge for Bush padre? A stint at reviving patriotism in a country in disarray economically and above all, psychologically? All of the above, surely. Shame and sadness is all I can feel as a westerner.. Can't wait for that first lifeless and superficial shopping mall to open in Baghdad, it will be super! Let's get that global warming going!

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